Make an online tax deductible financial contribution to Born To Read, Inc. today!
or you can send a check to:
Born To Read, Inc.
703 Bladen Street
Beaufort SC 29902
Become a Friend of Born To Read…
Your donation to Born To Read will help promote early childhood literacy and language development for all children born in Beaufort Memorial, Coastal Carolina, and Hilton Head hospitals.
A donation of $50 would pay for 3 literacy resource bags given out in the local birthing centers to new parents or 25 books for babies. A donation of $100 would pay for almost 7 literacy resource bags or 50 books for babies.
Support us by:
- Standard tax-deductible contributions online or by check sent to 703 Bladen St. Beaufort SC 29902
- eBay purchases with Born To Read selected as the charity of choice (both companies provide donations to charities selected at no cost to the customer)
- Securities Transfers are now accepted through WellsTrade by contacting Born To Read (843) 379-3350
- Help plan a fund raising activity for Born To Read.
- Make a donation of new age appropriate books which are given to young siblings visiting in their mothers’ hospital rooms.
We Appreciate Your Help!
How Your Gifts Can Help: